Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bad Guy, Part 2

So, my challenge. Create, at least a wisp, of a Bad Guy. And I do believe I have succeeded!

He is, as of yet, unnamed, and I have not a clue what his...'power' will be, but, he has a back story! And a pretty damn good one, if I do say so myself!

Once again, I found some invaluable links and articles on creating a Bad Guy. I learned that Bad Guys (indeed, all guys) have to be three-dimensional, in order to be convincing. I learned about...different types of Bad Guys, if you will. Madness, revenge, jealous, bad guys that aren't really bad, bad guys that are very bad...the list goes on and on. Mine...

Well, I don't want to tell too much about him yet! I'm still developing him. But I will tell you this. He wasn't always bad. One bad choice lead to another, and before he knew it...yep. Bad Guy. One thing though...at this point, I'm not sure if he is THE Bad Guy, or just A Bad Guy...I'm thinking that...fanatics will be the Bad in this story. Religious fanatics? Perhaps...

So...I did complete the task. I came up with a good Bad Guy. He has a back story. Nameless, yes, but he is there, and if I do say so...he is a little more than just a wisp.

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