Saturday, March 6, 2010

Soulless, by Gail Carriger

"A Novel about Werewolves, Vampires, and Parasols"

As soon as I read that, I knew I'd have to possess this book. I'm sure most of us have noticed the recent trend lately in fiction, being namely, werewolves and vampires. For myself, I have become heartily sick of all these vampire books! Not that I have anything against vamps. Not in the slightest. I think there is something very intriguing, morbid and incredibly sexy about vampires. I just get tired of seeing book after book about them every time I venture into the bookstore.

But this!

First of all, isn't the cover of this book just delightful?! Going by covers alone (which I know we aren't supposed to do), I would have picked up this book. It has that different something or other about it that you don't see often. I love how you can't even really see her face. You're left to look at body language, clothing and a parasol. I heart it.

Like I said, I've wanted, no, needed this book since I first saw the cover. Recently, I joined an online book club, and we were each asked to suggest a book, naturally, went through my goodreads account, scouring my 'to-read' shelf. As soon as I saw it, I knew what I'd be suggesting! And, whatdyaknow? It got chosen! :)

So, as soon as March 1st rolled around, I picked up this lovely book that had been burning a hole on my bookshelf and began reading. As of right now, I have about 3 or 4 chapters left, so I can't technically post a review yet, especially as I never know who will read this when, and I don't want to give spoilers to other members. But, I had to write this. And, once a respectable amount of time has passed, be assured I will post about this gem.

Ok, ok. I can't just leave it at that. All I'll say is this:

Big, brawny, sexy, broody, Scottish werewolf? Rrawr.

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