Monday, July 12, 2010

Concerning writing. And little boys.

Last night was a rare night. I was home alone. Now, I know that eventually I'll be home alone more, because that's just the way of the military...however! Last night I was able to do quite a lot of brainstorming! Which is exciting!

I found several very interesting articles on writing fantasy, chock full of lovely advice and tips. Which, I'll have to admit, made me quite happy. Its always good to find blogs from other aspiring writers. Its encouraging.

I read about the importance of a good name, about horses, and about making maps. I read about horrible (and some are, indeed, horrible) fantasy cliches. I even played around with fantasy name generators for fun and found out that my fairy name is:

Moth Willowwand. She is a caster of weird dreams. She lives close to crystal caverns and stalagtite grotto's. She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover.
She collects crystals to wear on her dresses. She has delicate green coloured wings like a cicada.

Doesn't it sound just like me? ;) I also have Elf, dwarf, and a Hobbit name as well, but those aren't nearly as...colorful.

So! Back to the brainstorming. And...other literary topics.

Normally, during the day (and indeed, right now, as I type this), I can't brainstorm, research, or do any sort of writing. A little (or not so little anymore) toddler boy constantly gets in the way! I'm lucky if I can get in a little reading while he plays with trucks and whatnot. Yesterday happened to be one of those days!

Yesterday I got to sit outside on the porch, in the glorious sunshine, and read!

It was so and the boyo sat in the sun with our books (to be fair, he had a truck too...) and read together. I read Eragon. He 'read' Peek a Who?. T'was lovely.

I'm hoping to finish Eragon today, during nap time. I've never read it before and am finding it fascinating. I always have a soft spot for a book with Dragons...

Anyway. I need to bid adieu...and keep the Tornado from climbing into the oven. With the broom in tow. Ta, for now!

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