I have been so anxious to read this book, it isn't even funny. The second I first caught wind of it, I started a mental countdown. So, imagine my surprise when I walked into my new local library for the first time, and BAM! There it was. (You must understand that I'm really not used to the libraries having books that I enjoy reading. Most have a very slim selection around here!)
I immensely enjoyed Deanna Raybourn's Lady Julia books. They are very dear to my heart. So it was with great joy that I picked up 'The Dead Travel Fast' and it was with some trembling (with excitement, of course) that I opened the cover for the first time.
Theodora Lestrange is in quite the predicament. Her grandfather, and sole guardian, has passed away, leaving her to live with her sister and her brother-in-law, along with their 4 children. Her brother-in-law, who means well, but is, to put it mildly, dull, is desperately trying to come up with something to do with Theodora. Who, thankfully, has a plan.
Her schoolgirl friend, Cosmina has invited her to visit. Transylvania. To celebrate her upcoming wedding. To the Count Dragulescu. (Does not the whole thing sound delightful?!?)
She understandably grasps at the chance and, though her family is skeptical, Theodora insists. A budding novelist, she is certain that, along with providing an escape from her well-meaning family, it will also provide boundless inspiration for her novel.
As soon as she arrives, she is immediately drawn-against her better judgement- to the Count. While there, in the Castle Dragulescu, she witnesses things that at once seem so real, and yet, cannot possibly be. The things out of horror stories. Things her dear friend had whispered at night to her as children. Supernatural things that cannot possible be happening.
This, my friends, is the stuff good novels are made of! It had a little suspense, a little romance, a little bit of everything. It kept me guessing. Every time I thought I had it figured out, something new cropped up and had me re-evaluating everything. Which I liked! I'll admit that I fell a little in love with Andrei, and I absolutely ADORE how this book ended. And now, I simply cannot wait for Ms Raybourn's next novel, which (huzzah!) happens to be a Julia Gray.
I also want to share this beautiful picture I found that totally captures the essence of this book. I heart it!

Isn't it great? Perfect.