Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joust, by Mercedes Lackey

Ah, what a book! I have been waiting for this book for a while. Recently, I bought Robin McKinley's book 'Dragonhaven' and...much to my disappointment, I couldn't read it. (Never fear, though. I'm not giving up yet!) So, to ease my pangs over this book, I checked out 'Joust', another book about Dragons, from another beloved author.

Vetch is a serf. Which is worse than a slave. He is tied to the land that once belonged to his family, bound to serve the owners of the land. He is underfed and over worked. But one day, in the middle of a blazing hot afternoon, his life will change.

The land is protected by Jousters, riders of fierce dragons, loyal to the king. These Jousters fly patrols daily, searching the land and sky. Jouster Ari stops at the small farm where tala is grown specifically for help controlling the dragons one day for a drink of water, where he witnesses Vetch being beaten for something so small as the empty water bucket he had just drained to quench his own thirst. He then decides to take Vetch away, to be his Dragon boy.

Vetch doesn't know what to do with his new life. Compared to his old one, its easy, even though it does include taking care of Ari's dragon. His problem now, is how can he hate the Tians, that are being so kind to him? And how can he manage to get free and go back to his homeland, without feeling like he is betraying the people that are being good to him, and befriending him?

This is JUST the kind of book I have been itching to read. A familiar, beloved author, a beloved subject (I mean, come on. Who doesn't like dragons???) and a good plot, not too deep, but still really enjoyable. I've already checked out book two, 'Alta' and can't wait to get started!

Naked in Death, by Nora Roberts (as J.D. Robb)

A really good friend of mine tried and tried to get me to read this book. She recommended the series over and over. But still, I hesitated. It isn't that I didn't want to read them. Not at all. It was just...well, its a pretty long series! Thirty books about the same people is a lot to commit to! However, I sat down one day and picked up 'Naked in Death'. Then couldn't put it down.

Lieutenant Eve Dallas has been a cop for a while. She's a tough little lady, who has seen just about everything.

When a the granddaughter of a wealthy, right wing politician is murdered, brutally, Eve gets put on the case. Eve has to figure out who, among friends and acquaintances of the deceased would have a motive for killing such a young woman. Fingers get pointed at several people, including the wealthy Irish billionaire, Roarke. (Just Roarke.)

Eve can't help but be attracted to him. Hell, I couldn't help be attracted to him! And, as much as she wants him to be innocent, he was one of the last people to see her alive.

Then, another murder occurs, in the same, brutal way as the first. Then a third.

Really, Nora Roberts is a very talented writer. I don't believe I had ever read anything of hers before, and, knowing that she is a romance writer is one of the things that kept me from reading this for as long as I did. I like a little romance as much as the next person, but with the mystery kick I've been on lately...

So, I went and checked out the next 5 books in the series. Can't wait to read them. Not sure I can commit to all thirty books though...Just sayin'.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Just a quick update...

Ah, my blog, how I have missed thee!

I have been remiss lately in my blogging...hopefully that will change,! :)

I have a few reviews to write, when I get the chance, perhaps tomorrow. I've started reading the murder mystery series by J.D. Robb, aka Nora Roberts, and they are fab! Thanks T, for making me read the first one! Currently reading book 3 (out of 30...seems daunting, lol).

I am also reading a book by Mercedes Lackey, one that I have actually never ever ever read before, which is super exciting! It's called 'Joust' and its about...dragons! The setting seems to be almost ancient Egyptian, which is super awesome. As soon as I finish that, I will post about it...

With writing...ah. Well, life happens. I'm still working on Chapter 7, and am 2 weeks late on it! Sorry C! I know I'll finish it this week, possibly tonight, for it is open and waiting for me, calling my name...Hopefully I'll get Chapter 8 in the works as well. That would be wonderful.

So, yes. Here I sit, hurridly typing this, eating pretzels and drinking water. Time to get back to my chapter. So, for now, adieu.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Soulless, by Gail Carriger

"A Novel about Werewolves, Vampires, and Parasols"

As soon as I read that, I knew I'd have to possess this book. I'm sure most of us have noticed the recent trend lately in fiction, being namely, werewolves and vampires. For myself, I have become heartily sick of all these vampire books! Not that I have anything against vamps. Not in the slightest. I think there is something very intriguing, morbid and incredibly sexy about vampires. I just get tired of seeing book after book about them every time I venture into the bookstore.

But this!

First of all, isn't the cover of this book just delightful?! Going by covers alone (which I know we aren't supposed to do), I would have picked up this book. It has that different something or other about it that you don't see often. I love how you can't even really see her face. You're left to look at body language, clothing and a parasol. I heart it.

Like I said, I've wanted, no, needed this book since I first saw the cover. Recently, I joined an online book club, and we were each asked to suggest a book, naturally, went through my goodreads account, scouring my 'to-read' shelf. As soon as I saw it, I knew what I'd be suggesting! And, whatdyaknow? It got chosen! :)

So, as soon as March 1st rolled around, I picked up this lovely book that had been burning a hole on my bookshelf and began reading. As of right now, I have about 3 or 4 chapters left, so I can't technically post a review yet, especially as I never know who will read this when, and I don't want to give spoilers to other members. But, I had to write this. And, once a respectable amount of time has passed, be assured I will post about this gem.

Ok, ok. I can't just leave it at that. All I'll say is this:

Big, brawny, sexy, broody, Scottish werewolf? Rrawr.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chapters 5 and 6, among other things.

Well, Chapter 4 of MY book is complete! Along with Chapter 5. I can tell that I am getting back into writing, as it's coming more and more easily for me. I no longer, as of right now, have to force myself to write. Now I am constantly thinking of my characters, and what I can put them through. (Did I say that?)

And so, on to Chapter 6! I must say that this challenge I am doing has really helped me out a lot. Before, when I would write, I would just write. Pages upon pages. Just ask Caroline. I never divided it up at all. But now, having a minimum of one chapter per week, it's helped me structure my writing, which is always a good thing.

Last night, I stayed up entirely too late, reading. I finished a book called 'Garden Spells'. I'll probably put up a review in a bit, once I decide what to write.

I still have yet to get past chapter four on 'The Magicians and Mrs. Quent'. I will get to that before I read any other books. I have made a promise to myself.

Another review to follow asap, for 'Soulless'. I'm looking forward to finishing it, and can't wait to tell what I think.
